Sposa Bagnata, Sposa Fortunata

In case you do not know the Italian,

"Wet Bride, Lucky Bride."

In Spanish, "Novia Mojada, Dicha Asegurada." In French, "Mariage Pluvieux, Mariage Heureux."

I'm not sure if you have seen the forcast for next weekend, but all of New England should be in for some rain. Well, a lot of rain.

According to tradition, I could pray to St. Clare to avoid the rain. Give one dozen fresh eggs to a local convent and pray the day away. Or, alternately, I could hang a rosary outside of my bedroom window to avoid a downpour. I do not mind rain, though. :)

Really, I like to believe in the "good oman" of a rainy wedding: good crops and healthy children.

In light of the current weather reports, I offer the following update on our Dress Code:

Please remember to bring an umbrella. Perhaps we should plan on packing solid shoes.