Showered! (and exhausted)

(We clean up pretty well in our fancy-clothes)

Christopher and I got home from Massachusetts earlier today.

What a fabulously fun, humbling, and joyful weekend. Kimberly coordinated, and Cristina hosted in her cheerful home/pre-school. Her students made the most delightful decorations, including mini-umbrellas! (Get it, shower?)

There were homemade lavender-filled vintage lace sachets, teeny favor boxes filled with candies, teeny cucumber sandwiches, ambrosia, tons of other tasty food, excellent company, lots of laughter, and a home-made punch called "Sweet Dee." Oh, AND a telescope for Christopher.

This woman is fantastic, and I love her. I cannot wait for her to move back to Vermont.

Did I mention Chris and I bought a couch tonight? We got a super good deal (we bought it at the NH tax-free Big Lots) and we feel like adults eating homemade Indian food in our newly pimped-out apartment.