Autumn is arriving late this year...

Typically, autumn in Vermont breaks around my birthday. Our weather this summer is making our "fall foliage" progression a bit wonky. We may not be even in "early color" during the wedding. Once the color does break we will have very intense reds and oranges in our maples due to our rainy summer. We're going to have one heck of a pretty October.

I only learned recently why the leaves change colors. I did know this phenomena brings thousands of tourists to New England each fall. In case you are curious too, I've found this page from the Weather Channel. It explains the science behind fall foliage.

Kindergartners in Vermont learn about maple trees, the process of "tapping maples," and the fact that leaves change colors. It is in our educational state standards!

I hope a few trees will have burst into their fall colors for our wedding weekend.