Chris's Suit

Chris spent a lot of time trying to find the inspiration for his wedding outfit.
He went to a classic source of inspiration: pop culture!

First, he thought he'd find a tux similar to Indy's...

and then he decided to wear something more similar to The Doctor's brown pinstripe suit.

The Dr. Who suit is handsome, and Chris hopes to find a similar suit this weekend in Massachusetts. We're going to spend the weekend with Mark and Margaret...and Benjamin and Kim, too!

Mark and Chris are going to go suit shopping, and I know Chris is actually excited to find something dapper to wear for this "wedding outfit," as he has been calling it.

I'm not surprised he turned to Dr. Who for inspiration. It is one of our favorite science fiction television shows, and it is exceedingly well written. Sometimes I feel like Chris channels Dr. Who in our everyday life; he finds one small tool in the back of a toolbox and magically fixes every broken mechanical item in our neighborhood. His own version of the sonic screwdriver. :)