
We've bought our tickets for Greece!

Our flights are already 1/2 booked for economy, can you believe it? Ten months in advance. I'm hoping that if I can find some sappy "His & Hers" luggage tags, I can wiggle an upgrade into business class.

We'll be flying American Airlines from Boston to Heathrow, and then Heathrow to Athens.

Our honeymoon is now 2/3 paid in advance, and I am so thankful! Penny-pinching (and interest bearing accounts) do pay off. :)

I did get "trip protection," just in case the ticket price drops significantly. I'll be eligible to receive a portion back. I did get a pretty good rate, though.

Also, Chris wants to stay in this hotel on our last night: the Hotel Central. It is in the Plaka section of Athens, and has a hip rooftop terrace bar and jacuzzi.